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AIM:To detect the mutations in two candidate genes, myocilin (MYOC) and cytochrome P450 1B1 (CYP1B1), in a Chinese family with primary open angle glaucoma (POAG).METHODS: The family was composed of three members, the parents and a daughter. All members of the family underwent complete ophthalmologic examinations. Exons of MYOC and CYP1B1 genes were screened for sequence alterations by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and direct DNA sequencing.RESULTS:The mother was the proband, she was diagnosed as POAG in both eyes. Her daughter was diagnosed as juvenile-onset POAG. The father was asymptomatic. One MYOC heterozygous mutation c.1150 G>A (D384N) in exon 3 was identified in the mother, another MYOC heterozygous variation c.1058 C>T (T353I) in exon 3 was identified in the father, and the daughter inherited both of the variations. Meanwhile, three single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in CYP1B1 gene were found in the family.CONCLUSION:The D384N mutation of MYOC has been reported as one of disease-causing mutations in POAG, whereas T353I variation of MYOC was thought as a high risk factor for POAG. The two variations of MYOC were first reported in one juvenile-onset POAG patient who presented with more severe clinical manifestations, suggesting that T353I polymorphism of MYOC may be associated with the severity of POAG.  相似文献   
BackgroundWe investigated the relationships between serum choline and betaine levels with metabolic syndrome-related indices in the general population of Newfoundland.Methods1081 adults were selected from the CODING study. Serum choline and betaine levels were measured. Major confounding factors were controlled in all analyses.ResultsPartial correlation and linear regression analysis showed that serum choline levels were positively associated with systolic blood pressure (r: 0.124), serum TG levels (r: 0.132) and negatively correlated with serum glucose levels (r: −0.121) in males (p < 0.01 for all). In females, serum choline levels were positively correlated with serum TG, TC and HDL levels (r: 0.104 to 0.148, p < 0.05 for all). Serum betaine levels were negatively associated with serum TG, TC, LDL and insulin levels, and with atherogenic index and HOMA-IR index in males (r: −0.081 to −0.179, p < 0.05 for all). In females, serum betaine levels were negatively associated with serum TG, hsCRP and insulin levels, and with HOMA-IR index (r: −0.092 to −0.213, p < 0.05 for all). Moreover, subjects with serum choline levels in the highest tertile showed highest serum TG levels and systolic blood pressure in males, and highest serum lipids levels in females. Subjects with the highest serum betaine levels had the lowest serum lipids levels, atherogenic index, IR severity in males, and the lowest serum TG and hsCRP levels, and IR severity in females.ConclusionLow serum choline and high serum betaine levels are associated with favorable components of metabolic syndrome in general adults.  相似文献   
青光眼作为导致人类不可逆性盲的头号杀手,是一组慢性进行性视神经病变疾病。虽然病理性眼压增高是青光眼发展的主要危险因素,但是其视神经病变机制始终不明。而且有部分患者眼压处于正常值范围内,却依然发生了青光眼性视神经损害,被称为“正常眼压性青光眼”。因此,我们不得不考虑,除眼压外还有其他因素参与青光眼视神经的损害。近年来有研究表明:颅内压与眼压的失衡有可能是正常眼压性青光眼的原因之一,本文就颅内压与正常眼压性青光眼的关系做一综述。  相似文献   
郑文璐  张美霞 《眼科新进展》2011,31(2):183-185,189
华法林作为目前国际上最常用的长效抗凝剂,临床上常作为心房纤颤、静脉血栓、心脏瓣膜病等疾病的长期辅助药物。近年来,我国视网膜疾病的患病率呈快速上升趋势,其中尤以年龄相关性黄斑变性、糖尿病视网膜病变、视网膜静脉阻塞多见。本文我们对长期维持华法林抗凝并患有视网膜疾病的患者及部分同时接受玻璃体视网膜手术的患者出现出血的风险综述如下,试图寻找可靠的证据指导临床治疗。  相似文献   
李雁  张军军  陆方 《眼科新进展》2011,31(6):588-589
目的分析眼缺血综合征(ocular ischemic syndrome,OIS)的临床特点。方法收集29例(31眼)患者临床资料,进行回顾性分析。对所有患者进行病史采集、视力检查、裂隙灯显微镜、双目间接检眼镜、眼底照相、FFA及彩色超声多普勒成像检查。结果 OIS发病多见于中老年人,本组患者主要表现为渐进性视力下降。19眼出现了中周部视网膜散在出血,7眼见视网膜静脉扩张、迂曲,3眼表现为动脉狭窄变细。FFA突出表现为所有患者臂-视网膜循环时间延长[(22.16±6.46)s]和动静脉循环时间延长[(14.02±7.26)s],15眼观察到明显的动脉充盈前锋,12眼存在视网膜周边片状无灌注区。5例患者CDFI检查可见颈总动脉粥样硬化斑、6例颈内动脉中央阻力指数稍增高。结论 OIS属于多学科交叉疾病,患者预后差,应加强对该病的认识,做到早诊断、早治疗。  相似文献   
先天性无虹膜为一罕见而严重的眼科疾病,以虹膜发育不良为最显著特征,并多伴发角膜混浊、白内障、青光眼、斜视等异常,通常为常染色体异常的遗传性疾病。我们将对在四川大学华西医院眼科门诊中发现的2个先天性无虹膜家系进行报告,并对其病因、临床表现、治疗与预防作一复习及总结。  相似文献   
吕仲平  陈晓明 《国际眼科杂志》2011,11(11):1953-1956
目的:比较近年青光眼患者在青光眼类型、发病年龄和性别分布的差异,并与以往的资料作比较,以了解青光眼内部构成的变化趋势,为青光眼的防治研究提供新的流行病学资料。方法:收集华西医院眼科2009-01/12所有青光眼住院患者病历共577例,根据出院诊断分为原发性闭角型青光眼(PACG),原发性开角型青光眼(POAG),先天性青光眼,继发性青光眼,并将其与1978-01/1981-12,以及2001-01/2002-12青光眼住院患者971例进行比较。结果:2009年间,原发性青光眼占当年青光眼住院患者总数的60.2%所占比例下降;POAG占原发性青光眼的27.4%,在原发性青光眼中的构成比有所上升;PACG中位数年龄为62.8,总体有所增大,POAG中位数年龄为48,无明显变化;POAG中女性患者比例增加;2009年继发性青光眼占当年青光眼住院患者总数的33.4%,比例显著较往年增加。结论:POAG在原发性青光眼中的构成比有所上升,继发性青光眼患者显著增加。  相似文献   
报道1例罕见的眼眶神经节细胞瘤:1例13岁男性右眼突出5a+,CT检查示右眼眶下方包块,通过手术完整切除包块,病理检查证实为眼眶神经节细胞瘤,患者随访12mo无复发。  相似文献   
基质金属蛋白酶-2(matrix metalloproteinase-2,MMP-2)和基质金属蛋白酶-9(matrix metalloproteinase-9,MMP-9)构成基质金属蛋白酶(matrix metalloproteinase,MMPs)家族中的明胶酶。MMP-2,MMP-9作为MMPs家族分布最广的两种亚型,参与了多种眼科疾病的病理过程,如翼状胬肉、角膜炎、白内障、青光眼、增生性玻璃体视网膜疾病及黄斑变性等。我们就其结构、功能、在眼科疾病中作用以及研究的最新进展做一综述。  相似文献   
目的:探讨利用海德堡视网膜断层扫描仪-Ⅲ(HRT-Ⅲ)对原发性开角型青光眼(primary open angle glaucoma,POAG)进行视盘损伤可能度(disc damage likelihood scale,DDLS)评分,DDLS值能否反映POAG视盘结构和功能的变化。方法:共有60例POAG纳入本研究。对受检者进行HRT-Ⅲ和OCTOPUS-900视野检查,记录盘沿面积(rim area,RA)和视野平均缺损(mean defect,MD)值。根据HRT-Ⅲ的地形图、反射图和DDLS评分表,对受检者的视盘进行DDLS评分。对结果选用Persons相关系数分析各数值之间的相关性。结果:患者60眼中视盘面积3.09~3.43mm2有11眼,2.41~2.67mm2有36眼,1.64~1.81mm2有13眼。研究结果显示DDLS值与RA和MD相关;随视盘面积变化,DDLS值与MD相关性无明显变化。结论:应用HRT对POAG视盘进行DDLS分期,能够很好的对视神经结构和功能的损害程度进行分级。  相似文献   
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